Quick Tech Understanding for Busy Recruiters.
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The non-technical recruiter's resource for hiring tech talent confidently.
Need to fill a technical role?
No background in tech?
Need to communicate with your tech department to uncover thier requirements?
Need to write a job description for a tech role?
How do you figure out if candidates have the right skill set if you don't fully understand what it is they do?
Don't let your lack of tech background hold you back from successfully filling technical job requirements.
TechBites is a video series developed specifically with recruiters in mind.
Learn technology concepts with short, 5 minute, bite size videos.
Our quick analogies will help you remember how tech works.
Speak confidently with hiring managers.
Understand tech jargon.
Write strong job descriptions.
Ask the right questions.
Present qualified candidates.
TechBites: Technology for Dummies. Speak like a pro.
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I spend a large amount of my time training and coaching small business owners and Bite Size Learning is definitely a tool that I will be recommending to my clients. It was very insightful and time efficient.
- Christina Phelps, Small Business Ambassador